Thursday, May 19, 2005

Got Nothing Better To Do.

Thanx to Mars for this. My answers in italics.

1. Hair: black
2. Eyes: dark brown
3. Height: 173cm

1. Style: Casual
2. Music: OSTs, BGMs, anime opening and ending. Anything that's good.
3. Make-up : Hahahaha!! WTF!

1. Wearing: My "pyjamas"
2. Listening to: The Remedy by Jason Mraz
3. Thinking of: What is there to eat at this unGodly hour.

1. Bought: Newtype magazine, Deathnote vol 2 and 3.
2. Ate and drank: Noodles and 100 Plus.
3. Read: Lynnee's blog
4. Watched on TV: American Idol

1. Club or houseparty: club
2. Tea or coffee: Coffeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Achiever or slacker: Achiever
4. Beer or cider: Neither
5. Drinks or shots: Neither
6. Cats or dogs: Cats
7. Single or taken: Single and very much available. lol. But not desperate. XP
8. Pen or pencil: Pencil. I like to have the option to erase off our mistakes.
9. Gloves or mittens: Neither. Won't feel siok digging your nose with either on. lol
10. Food or candy: Food
11. Cassette or CD: CD. Who the hell still prefers cassette anyway??
12. Coke or Pepsi: Coca-cola
13. Hard or mild alcohol: Neither
14. Matches or a lighter: Matches
15. Sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: blargh. Neither.
16. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey: ... Neither.

1. Touched: Myself
2. Talked to: Mom
3. Hugged: No one
4. Instant messaged: M
5. Kissed: No one.
6. Who broke your heart: It doesn't matter anymore.

1. Eat: Anywhere that has good food.
2. Dance : Errmm.. on the dance floor(?) *blink*
3. Cry: Sometimes in the bathroom... sometimes in my room.

1. Dated one of your best friends?: Yes
2. Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: Yes
3. Drank alcohol?: Yes
4. Done drugs: Never
5. Broken the law: Yes, I guess.
6. Ran away from home: No
7. Broken a bone: No
8. Cheated on a test: Hahaha! Yes, was young and stupid.
9. Skinny dipped: No...
10. Played truth or dare: Yes
11. Flashed someone: Yes
12. Mooned someone: No
13. Kissed: Yes
14. Been on a talk/game show : No
15. Been in a fight: Yes
16. Ridden in a big truck: Yeah, that big big truck. Sounded like a country song.
17. Been on a plane: Yes
18. Come close to dying: I think so.
19. Cheated on your boy/girl: NEVER!!!! >_<#
20. Gave someone a piggy back/shoulder ride: Yes. It's a warm and fuzzy feeling that you can give a piggy back ride for that special someone.
21. Eaten a worm/mud pie? : No
22. Swam in the ocean: No. Dipped, yes.
23. Had a nightmare/dream that made u awake : Yes

- WHAT IS... -
1. Your bedroom like?: Urmm a toy shop.
2. Your favorite thing for breakfast?: Bacon and eggs with red beans. Yummy.
3. Your favorite thing for lunch? : Anything that's good.
4. Your favorite thing for dinner?: Anything that's good.
5. Your favorite Restaurant?: Anywhere that has good. Now you made me hungry.

- ARE YOU... -
1. A vegetarian?: When I'm terribly sick.
2. A Good Student?: In a general sense, yeah.
3. Good At Sports? : Was not bad in b-ball.
4. Good At Wakeboarding/Snowboarding: Does it matter?
5. A Good Singer?: Hahaha!! "I have no proffessional training."
6. A good Actor/Actress?: Only if I have to.
7. A deep sleeper?: Yes, sometimes.
8. A good dancer ? : No
9. Shy ?: I have a blog and I chatted up a gal on the bus. *cough*Actually,shewasn'ttheonlyonethatIchattedupbefore.*cough*


Anonymous Anonymous said...


not desperate my foot. ;p

and the last person you touched was yourself?


;p btw check out Honey Clover, for the starting visuals. It's damn bloody good. stop motion animation. ho ho!


12:51 AM  
Blogger Kawa said...

mort: Touch my..... my big, long, thick... foot.

What's Honey Clover? An anime?

10:26 PM  
Blogger MJ said...


12:38 AM  
Blogger lynnee said...

can also erase mistakes when writing with a pen... with liquid paper or those ink erasers they made us use in school instead of liquid paper.


12:49 PM  
Blogger Kawa said...

lynnee: Yes, but doesn't look nice already.

3:26 PM  

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