Thursday, December 28, 2006

Weather For The Next Few Days

Since it will be a long weekend, was thinking of doing defragmentation for my pc during this weekend. So I did a weather forecast:


Damn lah.


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Fetility. Infertility.

I LOLed.

And I LOLed again while thinking back what happened when typing this post.

A friend messaged me about fertility and infertility and below is what happens. Names have been changed. And of course, the crappy English that we typed on MSN.

Friend: Do you know how they check whether you're fertile on infertile?

Me: Err, don't think so.

Friend: I asked my friend when go to see a doctor to check whether can get pregnant or not, what they will do and such will check my friend told me the doctor will put his hand inside the vagina to check. :(

Me: Dude... wait.. what?!

Friend:... and move when put inside.

Me: o_O !!! How do they check like tht?

Friend: Can check woh.

Me: What is the logic in that?

Friend: Even for checking if the baby can deliver naturally or not also use that method.

Me: Really? But sure they would have a female doctor to do that for you right?

Friend: no leh... male leh.

Me: No female docs? Sure can get one.

Friend: No, there's one docotr very famous in Crazy Town. (Note from kawa: town name obviously renamed)

Me: Famous... course all the women there let him stuck his hand in?

I couldn't believe it. The friend is quite the shy type so she wanted me to try to find out about it on the net.

So, I did a lil research with my leet uber internet searching skills. LOL, Read: Google. These are what came up. Go read em yourself.

WebMD with AOL Health - Infertility Tests and Diagnosis for Women

Your Guide to Female Infertility


So, remember: Don't let him stick it in. Maybe it's a "traditional method" (Read: Bullshit methods came up by perverts), but there are options.

Good God, what have they been putting in the water at Crazy Town?!?

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Superdickery VS Batdickery


ZAFT No Tameni

So, I totally forgotten about this year's Comic Fiesta until Mort reminded me.

Still, doesn't mean I can't see the pics from the interbutt.

Saw a bunch GS/GSD fans cosplaying as the characters from ZAFT faction. They didn't get the salute right. They must be Aliance spies! The costumes are pretty good though.

Seriously, if you're hardcore enough to cosplay, at least get the salute right! It's not that difficult. Just rewatch the Gundam Seed episode where Kira was given the Freedom by Lacus.

Okay, enough of my geeky fanboy rambling.

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Kitaa! It's Up!

Funny how I just posted it last night and now it's up.


Death Note anime OST, here I come!

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Long Time No See

Just finished watching Death Note Anime ep 11.

I want the OST and I want it now!

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