Monday, January 24, 2005

The Third Day Of The 5 Day Weekend.

The 3rd day's more productive. Hahah, was gonna say "today" but now it's 8:00am, Monday morning. Monday's the 4th day already.

Anyway, woke up late again. I'm begining to see a trend. Home alone again, but there's breakfast on the table. A packet of Nasi Lemak. MmmMmmM~

What else again? Sit infront of the comp again. Hahahah! Been "hanging out" often at the forums these days. Aa noh, not just lurking, post some posts as well.

Didn't surf that long. Clean room straight ahead. So much junk. Dunno where to put, so headache. Can't everything put up the store room upstairs, worried it might melt. But have put alot up there already, and everything seems fine as there's an exhuast fan up there. Sometimes it's just myself. Worry this worry that for what... I don't think I should use my brain so much... heheh!

Recieved an SMS from Kar Cher, saying that she will be selling egg rolls. Can take order from her. RM 22 per tin. Home made probably? Told mom and mom said she bought a tin for RM 12. @#$@!!!?? RM 12 compare to RM 22... Even I failed math all the time I can still tell which one is cheaper. Anway, will just order one from Kar Cher just to show support.

Stopped cleaning a while, when HBO showed The Hulk. Well, didn't really sit down and watch the whole movie, just near the end where Hulk busts out of the underground base and started to leap around. Only that part is worth watching again.

Stopped at around 11:00pm to watch The Apprentice. And also felt it's enough cleaning for today. Looked at my room... doens't look much different than before cleaning.... taskete @_@... it thought I have been moving things, carrying things up and down one?

Watched a bit only. Fell asleep on Mom and Dad's bed. Bro watching football at the living room, so have to watch in parent's room. Mom woke me up when the show's over. The women lost again.

Went back to my own room to sleep. Woke up at around 4:30am. Felt hot, forgot to turn on the air cond earlier. Went to bath and came to blog.

So fast it's the fourth day already. Felt boh siok lah. Sigh. Anyway, today should be more fun since everyone has to wake up early to join the rat race and I am sitting here, blogging.. OOOOHOHOHOHO!! ^O^

Oklah, want to go sleep a while, then wake up for cleaning again.


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