Saturday, September 11, 2004

GYAAAH!! Why Is Everything Going Against Me!?!?

I'm losing my cool. Sooner or later I'm going to turn into one of those Anime characters that gets easily pissed, yell and scream alot.

Yesterday, late at night or technically today morning, I was trying to put up a Radio.Blog ver 2 on a newly registered Tripod site. I was writing a post dedicated to a friend. Wanted to dedicate a beautiful song to her as well, so Radio.Blog seems like a good idea. Besides, I always wanted to do, like some sort of soundtrack for my Blog.

So, I registered Tripod and uploaded the files, converted the mp3 file only to find that Tripod won't support certain file names. Radio.Blog's music files are, for example: "~n1.rbs". Tripod won't allow file names with characters like "~". Got pissed.

Then, I found Radio.Blog version 1.4. From what I've read, the music files extention is ".swf" and there's no need for those weird characters in the file name. But I was too tired to give it another shot. Decided to call it a night, continue working on it today.

Woke up today and tried accessing the Tripod site, and guess what I found? Here it is:


Please Note: You are no longer an authorized member of Tripod. You have been removed because your web site violated our Terms of Service or you chose to self-delete."

What the hell?!?! After going through the "terms of service", I still don't understand why I was removed. Full scale pissed! It's a conspiracy!!

Anyway, found out from the Radio.Blog forums that someone manage to put his Radio.Blog directly on Blogger. Maybe I should ask him. Guess the post dedicated to my friend will have to wait, till I got it right.

What's a Radio.Blog? Go here: Radio.Blog


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