Thursday, June 15, 2006

Peter, You Dumb Ass! What Have You Done?!?!

I know it's not his decision... it's the writers' and the chief editor's.

This morning, while at work, just got online in my Yahoo! Messenger and saw a link in M's nick. Some kind of Yahoo! News link with the words "blablablaspidermanblabla". "spiderman" stood out like a neon sign.

What?! It made it to the news? I thought to myself. I knew what had happened. Ever since the Marvel comic series Civil War, there were already rumours and speculation about Spider-Man revealing his identity to the world.

Those who have picked up their Civil War issue 2 have already been discussing about it in message board. "It's over", they say.

Yahoo! News: Spider-Man Outed Himself To The Press

Oh Yahoo! News, It's "Spider-Man". Not "spiderman".

Personally, I thought this is an interesting move. But what's the point? If it gets unpopular, they would do a reversal either by erasing the memorise of people's knowledge of his identityby some cosmic entity, Dr. Strange casting a spell, some kind of "Retcon Punch" or some shit.

Spidey's popular because he is the everyman in comics. He is just like you and me... he has problems. They call him the hard luck hero.

Some main core points when Spidey was first created:

- financial problems: Poor Aunt May have to raise Pete alone.
- girl problems: Getting a date was never easy.
- social outcast: Being nerd always get him bullied.
- dual identity: Hey, it's not easy superhero-ing and trying to lead a normal.
- villians: Nuff said.

So far, what have they taken away from him?

- financial problems: So far I've checked, he still has that. But he's moved to Stark Towers and worked under Tony Stark AKA Iron Man.

- girl problems: Married to Mary Jane. Hey, it's a good thing. I'm happy for Pete. Nice to see that he got some happiness.

- social outcast: Hmm, a bit of improvement there, but still a loner Superhero. Recently joined The New Avengers though.

- Secret Identity: Earlier plenty of people knew his secret identity. Now it's completely gone.

- Villians: I think there will be more gunning for him now.

I'm all for moving forward. Spidey deserves happiness. But he should always have his secret identity. We'll see how this goes.


To him, life is a great big bang up... Whenever there's a hang up, you'll find the Spider-Maaaannnn!



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