Saturday, March 11, 2006

Dream Date

Woke up this morning. While still on my bed, suddenly this girl walks into the room and jumps on me.

She gave a peck on my lips and says "Good Morning! ^__^". Hmm? It's her.. but that's impossible! We have not met in person before. I kissed her back, nibbled her lips a bit...

"Good morning, how's your week?", i replied. What??! Why am I not feeling some kind of shock or weirdness here?

"It was ok. I'm starting to get bored. Now it's the weekend and we can go out now!". "Your mom prepared breakfast. Let's go eat!", with her usual genki-ness, she continued. "No, not yet. Let me feel your weight crushing me first before we go *COUGH*!", I replied. "Hahaha, you meanie, but first, let's take a pic!" *SNAP*... cam-whoreness.. ^__^"

Then I realised, this is not real... it's a dream. But I didn't wake up due to the realisation. You know, sometimes, in your dreams, when you found out that it is just a dream, normally, usually you would wake up from it. But it didn't happen here.

So after breakfast, mom had to rush us to finish it up,... yeah, we played with our food and talked too much,... got prepared, we went out for our what seems to be the usual (that's how I felt anyway) shopping/window shopping-lunch-movie-arcade weekend outing.

The dream ends when I sent her back with my bike, "Kaze". Hahaha, I don't even have a bike. And, as if any girl would want to go out with a guy who rides a bike.

It was a stressful week. I'm allowed to dream, no? Doubt it would happen.

Thanks,... I guess.



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