Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Current Present and Recent Past

What are you thinking about right now?
- How can someone "sound" so serious while chatting on the net. Maybe it's the lack of emoticons used.

Who was the last person you talked to?
- A new net friend.

What was the last fun thing you did?
- What is fun?

What was the last reason you cried?
- Errr, too depressed I think. Not the "boo hoo hoo" crying, but the "tears streaming" type of crying.

Often Happens:

Who is on your mind the most?
- My friends.

What subject would you say you think about
- Err the anime/Kamen Rider shows that I watch... and the toys... oh crap damn when will it end... ^__^"

What do you most often dream of?
- Don't dream much these days. I blame it on stress. But life, feels like a dream. One recent very weird one is that I dreamt that my Godmother somehow had some kind of sickness that mutated her into some kind water breathing creature. Suffering in a tank at her home... it was sad seeing her like that.

Do you often day dream?
- Yes.

Quick Word Association.( Type the first thing
that comes into your head.):

- The most wonderful

- I want my own!

- mmmmm

- Doesn't grow on trees.

- Cute chick. Read: Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Death etc. books.

- Nowadays, whenever I see this word, it reminds me of this song from Gensomaden Saiyuki:

"I've searched for pieces of myself,
counting the endless nights all the while.
These feelings are becoming so certain
I almost lose myself.
Right now, without fail, I will walk forward, however far."

Alone by Shimokawa Mikuni lyrics

Some Thought Sparkers:

Does the future scare you?
- I try not to think too much about it. TIME PARADOX!

Do you have any deep dark secrets?
- Who doesn't?

What is the most intriguing part of the human
- Never really put much thought into it... -.-"

If someone gave you $100 dollars, what would
you do with it?
- $100 so little...

Before You Die:

One place you'd like to go.
- Errr.. this is hard. It's a toss up, either Greece, US or Japan.

One thing you'd like to do.
- Since humans can't fly without aid, sky diving I guess.

One person you'd want to speak at your
- *sigh* whoever who wants to step up the soap box.

One thing you'd want to be remembered for.
- The Friend Who Tries To Be There For You Whenever Possible He Can.

One thing you'd hope people forgot.
- The Stain On The Road. :P

More Thought Sparkers:

What would your autobiography be called?
- What else?... "River".

Would it be a movie, a book, or both?
- A movie that spawned a manga/comic series, animated series, tv series, J-dorama, telenovela, radio drama :P. The main character would not be me. The main characters would be my friends. It would be told in their POV, how I crossed their path, or the lack of. Heck, I could be appearing as a Yahoo!/MSN avatar only.

One scene you'd want them to include.
- "This one time... at band camp..." XP Hahahah! I guess it would be the most embarrassing moment of my life.

Another scene you'd want them to include?
- Me, doing an impression of All Your Base Belong To Us during one of the con-calls. Don't ask... will blog about it later!

What would it be rated?
- Watch At Own Risk: Extremely Disturbing Material(?)

Wrap Up:

Who did you get this from?
- Itu Mars loh.

Did anything suprise you about the person's
- Hahaha, no. :P

If so, what?
- Really, no. :PP

Who is one person you'd like to see take this?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

aiyak, cipek. +_+

you purposely bully me one is it. *slaps*


9:22 AM  

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