Bakuretsu Tenshi (Burst Angel) Review

A girls with guns anime that is set in the future with a Blade Runner feel, this anime is about a bunch of bounty hunters (who lives in a trailer) and their cook.
By introducing you to their characters, I think it basically tells the story:

Tachibana Kyohei
A student who works part time to earn enough money to study abroad to be a great chef. One day he stumbles upon an advert on hiring a cook for a bunch of people. This is how he met:

Jo - a no nonsense, dual gun totting girl who has lightning speed and reflexes. She seems to be able to take a lot of punishment compared to a normal human. Cares alot for Meg and has a tribal angel wing tatoo appearing and glowing whenever she "powers up". The muscle of the group. Pilot of Jango, also a dual gun totting robot. What's with her past? Likes to say "I"ll kill you!" alot.

Meg - Besides being a bra rack (ooo, a pun within a pun), she doesn't really contribute much to the group. Unless you count making things more complicated and getting captured by the bad guys as contribution. Likes to bully Kyohei and

Amy - The smart litte cyber genious girl. Information provider/hacker of the team. Says the darnest things. Loves Kyohei-kun's cooking. My favourite character of the anime.

Sei - Leader of the group. Calm and calculative. Owns a cool looking sports car and a pair of big honking headlights (Yes, that's "and"). The heir of the Bai-Lan syndicate. Responsible for hiring Kyohei-kun.
The first few episodes were pretty interesting. Tells how Kyohei joins and interacts with the group. Midway through the series, everything goes down hill.
Each story (or you could say, bounty) uses up two episodes to tell. Very draggy. At times I wonder where the plot is going. Most of the time it's the girls getting a job to retrieve something/someone undamage/unharmed, fights ensures, somehow a Cybot (robot) is used and Jo jumps into Jango and finishes it off. There's also the sub plot on why the cybots are becoming sentients. But the last few episodes, things starts to pick up again to tie things up.
Animation is pretty good. You can tell there is a pretty high production value putting into it, especially the cgi robots. Of course, being a tv series, animation quality tends to drop from episodes to episodes.
Soundtrack is one of the better ones out there. Cool catchy, tap dancing opening song - Loosey by The STRiPES and a very pleasant ending song - Under the Sky by Cloudica.
Good animation and character design. Need lots of work on the story. There's a second series in the works. Curious as to how it's going to be.
Verdict: Average. All flash little substance.
Labels: Animu
>_< I'm starting to think it was a really bad idea to buy the box set... I've only gotten past the few first episodes but I keep hearing mixed reviews. Some saying the show was awful and some saying the show was pretty good, but not great. I'll end up watching the entire series, but I think I might be in it mostly for the action. I can't resist mecha.
Thanks for dropping by.
I would say it's not a total waste of time. Just that it could've been better.
Yah, I'm finding this to be the case for me as well. The story is near non-existent. I like the animation though. Nice review!
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