Sunday, July 17, 2005

Friendster Shit

Hahaha, Thanks to M@rs for this one. Damn, somebody beat me to it.

Though I agree with he/she/it who wrote this, but he/she/it came off a bit too harsh. Funny and yet true though.

I'm sick of this.

Friendster has been chewed up and spit out like
bad bacon by Malaysians. Why? The bad use of
English, the act of retardedism and most
importantly, the disgusting and unfathomable
pictures of you guys acting cute.

Puffing up your cheeks DOES NOT make you look
cute. It just emphasises on how you're trying to
hold back a burp. You look like a pufferfish. A
moronic pufferfish.

Taking a shot from the top is alright, but do not
ever open your eyes super wide and act cute.
Never. It freaks people out, gives hentai lovers a
description of how you're begging to get your face
sprayed all over with cum. Oh yeah, you look like
a dog too. My dog. So bark?

YOUR PROFILE ! : aIyaA,pEoPle sAY i CutE aNd
PrEtTy bUt i dUn thInkS sO liAu,wHat dO u
tHink ??

on your stupidity and how you are trying so hard
to speak 'Retard' in sign language.especially the
peace sign. it's so friggin annoying. with the puffy
cheeks,big eyes and peace sign. ugh,lalaness !

euu; miie; blahblahblahinserthereenlongatedword.
They are creative, so to speak, but when you write
compositions, you don't spell them like that, do
you? I'd rather you take the time to spell every
word correctly and leave a good impression on
foreigners, than leave your dimwit-slime all over.

Get your grammar and vocabulary right. "Love
hurts", not "Love hurt".

I merely want you all to change for the better of
not only the country, but for your own sake too.
But hey, read on.

Whoever doesn't sign admits the fact that he/she
has condemned himself or herself to my list of
so-to-speak dumbpricks and/or crackheads.
on that fact, you are also welcome to my full list
of insults, garbage and junk.If I have offended
any of you, you are a loser as you are easily
agitated by just an internet mail.

dEn sOmE pE0p|e lIk3 t0 tYpE liKe ThAt i dUnN0
wHy..SeE liA0 eY3s aLs0 p4iN mAn

I'd also like to give this bulletin a finishing
touch. All that copying and pasting forwarded
testimonials, are lame. Please. Dumb. Disgusting.
Totally. Write your own testimonial or don't send
one at all! Oh, I forgot to mention. Testimonials
are statements or character and conduct
to others as a mark of esteem. Not places for you
to type teddy bears and pictures. moron.


Some points:

I thought "acting cute" is ok. But cmon, lay off the peace sign already. Though I like the 70s, it's sooooo 30 years-ish ago.

"Testimonials are statements or character and conduct
presented to others as a mark of esteem. Not places for you
to type teddy bears and pictures. moron."

Hahahah! XD

If possible, please point out/send me to more of this kind of shit. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dEn sOmE pE0p|e lIk3 t0 tYpE liKe ThAt i dUnN0
wHy..SeE liA0 eY3s aLs0 p4iN mAn

yah man... i've come across some blogs written entirely in that... language (dunno what else to call it).

it's a gadzillion times worse than reading hokkien ua in romanized form!


12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that is why I don't use Friendster. ^^

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lynnee: hahah!

dm: smart!


3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

beah beah sounds like talking about bie's blog...
aha... bie have all the criteria.. LOL..
erm.. shoudn't LOL..
bie should be sobbing here...

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bie: your blog? No lah. Your blog okay what.


10:59 PM  

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