Rurouni Kenshin: The Best Theme Collection

Yatta! Finally found this CD!! No lah, I'm not super rich go and buy the "Sony" version (as above pic). The one I bought is errmm.. "Taiwan version" if you catch my drift.
It has all the opening and closing themes for the anime Rurouni Kenshin. Here's the song list:
1. Sobakasu (Freckles) by Judy And Mary (J.A.M... get it? ^__^)
2. TACTICS by The Yellow Monkey (Heheh...)
3. Namida wa Shitte Iru by Suzukaze Mayo (Kenshin's voice actress)
4. Heart Of Sword by T.M. Revolution (!!!)
5. One Half (1/2) by errmm
6. It's Gonna Rain! by Bonnie Pink
7. 1/3 no Junjou na Kanjou (1/3 True Feelings) by Siam Shade
8. Towa no Mirai (Everlasting Future) by dunno wo -_-'
9. somethinginjapanese by somejapaneseguy -__-"
10. The Juppongatana (The Ten Swords) by The Juppongatana's voice actors/actress
First impressions: Basically the first 8 songs are good. You can forget about the last 2. Maybe the last 2 songs haven't sink into me yet. I"ll give em a chance.
Sobakasu: The first opening theme. Very noisy, bouncy and upbeat. With cutesy cutesy singing from J.A.M. When my ex was still with me, and this song's mp3 is playing; I like to immitate J.A.M. singing out reaaalll loud just to annoy her. Heh. Nex time when I put up this song in my RadioBlog, I"ll put up my "version" as well. *giggles*
Tactics: The first closing theme. Absolutely love it!
Namida wa Shitte Iru: Second closing theme Kenshin's voice actress can sing wo~ Can sing very well tiim~.
Heart of Sword: The third ending theme. Ahh, one of my fav Japanese singer - T.M. Revolution (short for Takanori Makes Revolution). Above average. Still prefer his newer stuff.
One Half: The second opening theme. Ok lah. Catchy lo~
IT's Gonna Rain: Of all the themes, this is my fav. Well, currently anyway. Sounds so sweet. I'm trying to download Bonnie Pink's other songs on Kazaa but it's always "More Resources Needed". Anyone know where can I download more of her songs?
1/3 True Feelings: Catchy.
The last two, errr next time got chance only comment. Eh! I think they left out 4th Avenue Cafe!! Which is one of the closing theme. It was in a few episodes and then they took it out. Heard it was due to the band was caught doing drugs. Aiii~
Have been searching for the CD like, forever. Actually found it once. But no money. So, didn't get it. Now found it again and at a cheaper price.
RM 16.90 for 8 songs that I like. Quite a bargain lo. Sorry, no songs from the CD for my RadioBlog tonight. Lazy to encode. Heh. Next time lah. "It's Gonna Rain" is definitely going to be in it. ^__^
First it doesn't have all the OP/ED theme songs.
For instance, it lacks "Kimi Ni Fureru Dake De" by Curio (the last TV OP Theme). It also lacks "the Fourth Avenue Cafe" by L'Arc~En~Ciel. Also, it doesn't include the Seisouhen ED theme song.
Secondly, it would be better if you downloaded the album in mp3 rather than giving money to bootlegers. You wouldn't lost money and at least you wouldn't have supported pirate publishers that seals money from the original artists. Even MP3 have better quality than Tawain bootlegs.
Good blog, though.
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