Sunday, March 09, 2008


It has come to my attention that, someone, has been Christian named by his neighbour.

Why? Probably his name is too difficult to remember? Can't pronounce properly? Does it really matter?

I mean, if someone has a name, I'm sure it's because it's named by their parents. The name is supposely to have a meaning. Let's say, they want him or her to be this kind of person. You know, honourable, noble, blablabla, etc.

In my opinion, one should at least respect that. At least try to make an effort to remember or to pronounce it correctly. Whichever the case it is.

If you can't, you don't go and say "Ok, I will call you *insert name here* instead" on them. Unless, of course, that person says "ok, if it's that difficult, why not you call me *insert name here*".

Some people are being too much of a nice guy, and ended up being a doormat.

".... Aiyah, I can't remember your name lah, why not I call you Gary?"

"Sure! Only if you let me call you Sweet Cunt."

Stand up for yourself! Unless you hate your own name.



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