Received an email from Lynn on the grand mother of some big shot in our company has passed away and they are collecting "pak kum" for her.
The name sounded familiar, so I sent a message through MSN and asked: "Is blablabla the chubby big eye girl?"
Lynn did not reply. Probably busy.
After a while, checked MSN and Lynn's status is "busy" with "Do not disturb! Laptop is on projector!"
Told MJ about it. MJ said she messaged Lynn more embarrassing (if others read) thing.
"Luckily you did not ask if blablabla is the one that is sleeping with so-and-so.", she said. I said, "Yeah, luckily didn't ask 'you know, the so-and-so is doing her one?'"
Lesson No.1: Comp on netmeeting or projector, please turn off your instant messenger!
Lesson No.2: When ask something that you do not one a third (or fourth or fifth) person to read, ask if coast is clear!
Luckily when we sent the message to her, her notebook wasn't connected to the projector yet.
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