Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Hasn't been feeling like "The King of The World" lately. Not exactly down, but, nothing great.

Have been talking to ex no. 3 online alot lately. The way we talk reminds me of the earlier times when we were best of online pals. The things that we could talk about and that includes personal health problems.

Found out that, apparently her life is even more static than mine, even though she's currently attached. She's still as high maintenance as ever. Now, being high maintenance is not the worst thing in the world, but when it affects your health, seriously, there's something need to be done. Like change how you view on life, dealing with problems and such.

Seriously, do you really need to stress out on what may or may not happen tomorrow? Anyway, to prevent it? Prevent it. No? Any way to solve it when it happens? Solve it. No? We have to face the music and learn from it so that it never happens again. It's not like I am damn good at managing my problems, but I try. God knows I've tried.

I thought when she left me, at least she would be better, happier...

I felt really sorry for her. Hope some day she would find her happiness.


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