Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Bad Mood Day?

You know what? I should have one. Everyone has it, why not me?

I should "schedule" it on hmmm the most unsuspecting day, like say... Friday? When everyone is cheery and can't wait for the weekends.

Just to show a side of me that not many people has the "privilege" to see. And use lines like:

- "I don't have time for your petty problems."
- "Yada yada yada... EVERYONE has problems..."
- End every sentences with a "Hmmph!"
- End people's every sentences with a "Yeah, riiight."
- "Who died and made you king?"
- ".... *breathes out, close eyes and shakes head*"
- "I don't have all day, you know."
- "Bitch bitch moan moan... what else is new?"
- "I have a secret: I see dumb people... all the time!"

"Bad mood" enough? Any more lines I could use? Suggestions are always welcome! ^__^ Come, come! It will be fun! ^o^


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