
Pretty lousy movie poster huh? I can't remember where I ripped it from but this is the over-seas version poster. I've seen the original Japanese one which is cooler.
Saw this movie on last Saturday with Gerald and Lynn. Currently one of my favourite horror movie. It's psychologicaly full of drama and tension.
The story tells about a hospital's staff who are over worked, inexperienced, under staff and under a lot of pressure. It has turned into a shitty place to work in.
One night, a miscommunication proved to be a fatal mistake: wrong drug
Though the first 45 minutes (approximately) is pretty slow and draggy. But I love it. I thought it's pretty good that they take the time to introduce you to the characters and make you feel for them with their realistic problems. Everyone in the hospital has their fair share of problems. Inexperience nurse who can't find a vein on the body? Checked! Bitchy, nothing better to do and busy body nurse? Checked! A doctor who's in financial trouble? Checked! The doctor who's trying to keep everything together? Checked! Let's not forget that creepy Doctor Akai.
The atmosphere and setting is pretty good. Dark, cold and creepy. Plenty of green slime that oozes almost out of everywhere. Gore and blood is, hmmm not much. Pretty tame. But lots of leave-it-to-your-own-imagination stuff. Everyone knows how painful it is to be poked by a syringe right?
The ending is confusing. What's with Asian horror movies these days? This is the third Japanese horror movie with a "you decide what it is" type of ending. Lazy writting. Again, I have my own fair share of theories about what's going on.
Read somewhere on the Internet that this is the first of a series of movies labled: "J Horror Theater". Last I read, there will be 7 movies under this title. The next one is "Premonition", which it would be out on 30th June 2005 in local Malaysian cinemas. Heard it's better than "Infection". Looking forward to it.
Anyone knows what's the name of song (and by who) that's playing when the credits are rolling?
Labels: Movies
i thought the nurse administered the wrong drug, not overdose?
lol! Yeah, now I recall. Thanx!
HAS anyone found what the song is during the credits?
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